Translated from the Ukrainian by Oles Kovalenko and Vasil Baryshev It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that it is the story-writers who actually introduce kids to the world they live in... Using words, they paint a bizarre yet convincing pattern of the essential human values Love, Beauty, Honesty, Courage as opposed to Hatred, Uglyness, Meanness, Cowardice... This is a massive, wide-ranging collection of tales full of action, ferocious energy and imagination offered by leading Ukrainian authors of several generations. .j Rocking with laughter and dissolving in tears, praising the good and grappling with the evil — these entertaining and brilliantly plotted mysteries have it all!
Держа в руках книгу в книжном магазине или электронной библиотеке, будет нелишне обратить внимание на такие ее выходные данные, как isbn или ББК, а не игнорировать их.
This is a story of a tribe of fairy dwarfs. They were very small wooden creatures who lived in the densest parts of the deep forest, where few people ever went. The wooden dwarfs lived for a very long time, but they never knew what to do with themselves since, being wooden, they needed neither food nor drink, let alone clothing. They were hardy little creatures. They did not suffer even from the bitter frosts.
Once upon a. time, there lived a forester who had a daughter called Marichka. The girl grew up in the woods and she knew all its inhabitants very well. Marichka was fond of her forest friends and hated to part with them even for a day. The Playful Squirrel used to give Marichka tasty nuts. The Wild Bees brought her honey. And there were also birds... Marichka could listen to their warbling songs for hours on end. The birds felt really sorry for those who had never left their forest and didn't realize how large and exciting the world was. "Just imagine what we've seen!" the Young Blackbird would often say after his return from his first journey across the sea.
Once the Dreary Darkness became so annoyed with the Radiant Sun, her eternal rival, that she decided to black her out altogether. The Radiant Sun had sent its beams into virtually every corner of the earth while the Dreary Darkness had to make do with the few obscure recesses left. But even here the shadows were very thin and they did not protect her from the light. There, in her holes, the Dreary Darkness stored up her plans for revenge. Finally, an idea took shape...
Once in a certain kingdom there lived a princess. As a child she was extremely beautiful. The years flew by and the princess turned into a most charming maiden. Then the king ordered his courtiers to announce all over the kingdom that the time had come for his daughter to marry.
Merchants, knights, magicians flocked to the magnificent royal palace from all parts of the land. Amidst them was a young poet
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